You are entitled to 1 CME point if you had achieved 70% correct answers in each module. Here’s the methods on how to claim your CME points
Step 1
Please fill up the Quiz result Form after obtaining 70% correct answers in each module. If you have not , please try again.
Step 2
Screen shot the following:
A1) The Opening page of the Module with the Module Title shown.
B1) The Quiz Result page showing the Title of the Module, the Marks obtained and your name.
Step 3
Upload your screenshot B1) onto the file in the form, then click submit. An email of the result and screen shot will be sent to you for record.
Submit for CME Points using the MMA App via the Adhoc Submissions button to ensure your CME points are recorded.
Please upload screenshot A1) in the Event Programe section and screenshot B1) in the Event Certificates section.
Alternatively you can use the screenshots from your gallery and upload directly.